Friday, February 8, 2013

A train ride isn't always fun (read this twice, second time with those footnotes)

Nowadays there is almost no general „clothing attire“ for all those different groups of our time. Emo lovers sometimes look like goths, women look like men, kids like adults, alternatives like hipsters, industrial goths like blue avatars out of the movies, normal people are called metros, some get called Nazi, if the black jeans are too tight. I only recognized two brown thinking people by listening to their conversation. This is a try of repeating this acquaintance – with footnotes.

I took the last train connection from Berlin to Bochum [1]. It is a silent and fast ICE [2], which is whooshing through the night. Again I am sitting on a seat facing backwards, because my luck just seems to reserve those. Why do I still reserve a seat when the prizes just doubled for that? Right, yeah, otherwise I would sit on the ground for almost four hours. Close to me there is a newly in love couple [3]. I can only see his arm, though I can hear them purring at each other very well. Cute, right?

When the conductor entered the scene it became clear that those two (let’s call them Max and Leni) did not have a ticket to ride this train, supposedly because they had no time to get one. They paid 240euros for their tickets to Dortmund without a twitch. I was a little astounded, since both did not look like they came from money or made much, but that’s none of my business. If they had gotten the tickets just before entering, it would have been 60euros cheaper [4]. 

The train emptied suddenly about two hours before Dortmund. Next to my seating, a table with four seats got available and before I could get myself to move, Max and Leni switched there. I decided to rest my ridiculously tired eyes and tried to sleep, since I also was not in the mood for watching a lovey dovey couple cuddle right then and there. Max looked like the typical punk person with shiny boots, whereas Leni was this usually shy and chocolate loving housewife in violet [5]. They had pretty soothing voices. The dog of my seating buddy did not think so, it periodically growled silently [6]. The love doves nestled down into each other and he started talking about how he believes that they will have a glorious future, because they have the same nationally thinking mind. I was startled and thought I misheard. Now completely awake I took my sunglasses down from my head and used them to shield my eyes from the glaring ICE lights – trying to sleep again [7].
He is gazing at her, she beams at him. Counterpointing, Leni talks now about how her ex-husband was abusing here and her family was on his side of the story not believing her. She had the worst childhood in this family and a weird band to them anyways. Then they are interchanging birthday information. Max is thrilled telling that his birthday is almost 100years later than the one of the Führer – Leni reasons they must be meant for each other since her birthday is the 8th of August [8]. Further, she says that her father will not approve Max [9], since she was already called a Naziwhore on the phone. Max just laughs and replies that this always [10] happens to him.

Suddenly the conversation evolves to parenting. And, how the national sozialist in general present and fullfill great family politics. His children must grow up without the internet and without television They have to play in the woods. As a perfect example he talks from a family of alike-minded people, whose children may watch the news once a day and then discuss the content with their parents afterwards. He thinks it is genius for the children to decide themselves, whom to idolize and pretty amusing that the children are currently trying to convince the parents to only worship the Führer [11] – even though the parents prefer Heß [12]. In Max’ opinion, these children are growing up learning to be independent from other opinions. He would wish the same for his offspring. Leni nods to every word and does not even blink once being busy gazing at him. Also, tank sciences, survival trainings in the woods, reading stellar constellations and weapon knowledge became highly important for their future offspring [13].

Politically they met each other at autocracy [14] being the one and only choice and needing a new leader for all. Humans need rules without doubts or backfire. Today’s brown concept of the “right” movement would be anyways the coolest overall concept [15]. At this point they both claimed to be loyal to the NPD [16], even though a brown minded clan was trying to pull Leni in [17]. Now I realized that this day there was a demonstration of the NPD downtown, killing all traffic. A short conversation pause was filled with a song for Adolf. I think the BDM [18] could not have sung it better. The melody was not horrible – almost an ear worm [19]. The lyrics however were turning my stomach upside down [20] and I do not feel comfortable writing them down here. Accompanied by music I looked outside the window. Everyone has been awfully quiet since Max and Leni took the entertainment lead, looking as far away as everyone can.

Stopping in Dortmund changed the scenery completely. Max and Leni left the field and the ICE travelers all came back to life. When I got off one stop later it was almost one in the morning and the empty city of Bochum was covered in orange fog. A friend of mine would have commented this picture saying that horror movies have started like this before.

[1] Incredible 200km/h you are transported as if sitting in a plane. Usually runs every hour and is pretty comfortable, if you are willing to spend the money… that day I almost missed my connection, since there was a demonstration downtown

[2] Inter City Express

[3] If the described couple recognizes themselves, please do not take it personal!

[4] But maybe my southern german habits are breaking through, always wanting to plan ahead and find the cheapest prizes.

[5] Colors have meanings, right? Some might state violet is the color of sexually frustrated women

[6] The dog’s name is Nora. She is getting cozy with my shoe. Come to think of it, this was the cutest thing happening on that train. Cuter than that lovey dovey couple.

[7] To my fascination, the inner lights of an ICE train can really be as if you were a deer in the front beams of a BMW. Plus it helps watching the couple if they cannot see where your eyes go, true.

[8] Adolf Hitler lived 1889-1945. The eighth letter in the alphabet is H. 88 was THE code for HH = Heil Hitler, which was the greeting during the Führer’s reign.

[9] I’m on the father’s side for being skeptical of this young fellow who is wearing ripped camouflage clothing and neon green as well as neon pink shoelaces in his polished boots. Polishing something sometimes does not take the bad aftertaste away.

[10] ALWAYS?

[11] I am sitting there guessing that you JUST met. So children is your first serious topic. Interesting. And it also makes me speechless. What I wrote down here is just a fragment of detail that you put into those hours of talking and you basically planned every step of your offspring’s childhood up to becoming an adult. What if they fall in love with Marx? Or what if they find Judaism interesting? What if they would want to convert to anything you disapprove of? What if they have your ideology? What if they like different veggies than you?

[14] Autocracy identifies forms of governments, where all power is in the hand of one leader (the autocrat), being solely used by him. Source: Schubert, Klaus/Martina Klein: Das Politiklexikon. 4. aktualisierte Auflage Bonn: Dietz 2006.

[15/16] google NPD and see for yourself. Their concept is close to the NSDAP – putting family, work and the own country to a highlight. Like all programs, it does have valid points, but there are passages, which deals with having foreigners enter our country and destroying the germans existence. They avoid using the word “race”, because THAT would be just like the NSDAP. Supposedly all those foreigners were invited to Germany without the approval of all germans. The aim of many germans to move to another country is completely ignored and I am left wondering if some only love the idea of the perfect family and their own country as opposed to a world of peace!? Globally speaking, a family is a part of a country, a country a part of one world!? I stopped researching this party since it made me feel sick. If you want to know more, go ahead!

[17] She mentioned their homepage, but my try to verify this got crushed by internet censors, which speaks for itself.

[18] Bund Deutscher Mädels was the pendant to the Hitlerjugend (HJ), both being the youth organizations (female BDM, male HJ) of Adolf Hitler

[19] These Ohrwurm things (ear worms?) are typical for hymns. The just seem to be stuck inside your head and you can hear them all the time. Like a worm eating itself into your ear. This can also be appointed to soccer hymns, which usually change in lyrics very often. Sung text has been proven to be stuck in your head easier than read text, since music is saved in a different spot of your brain than text itself. This has often been used to manipulate people – here as well.

[20] These lyrics were worshipping big shot Nazis and called for the fight at the front…

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